Gibraltar Amateur Radio Society


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These are some interesting contributions by local amateur enthusiasts. We hope you enjoy reading these.

Publication of a simple ATU

A Novice ATU

April 1992
A short article on the development and experimation of an ATU. The article is easy to read and has lots of technical information that can help novice amateurs to build their own. Read article
Hands ATU Kit Review

Hands ATU Kit: Review

May-June 1995
DIY Radio Hands QRP ATU review. Very often radio amaturs use simple antennas, sometimes just a length of wire into which we inject our transmitted signal at one end and use it to radiate the radio frequecny power against ground.
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The Frequency Adam

Frequency Adam

Frequency Analogue to Digital to Analogue Meter, describing the changes the signal undergoes as it moves along the circuit.
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The Lynne 555

The Lynne 555

An acceptable audio oscillator can be made from a single 555 in astable mode but at the price of stability.
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April 1977
The TOM (Total Output Metering) PSU is a simple to construct and sueful piece of equipment for virtually any constructor's shack providing one variable and several fixed voltage outputs. Its construction was inspired by various projects within the ARRL handbook.
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Modding the Robin

Modding the Robin

December 1995
In this article Ken shows you how to get faster display updates and a frequency offset reading on the PW Robin counter.
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